If he won’t buy one for you, then he doesn’t need to. If you are relying on him buying you one, then you must be too young to buy one for yourself. The best way I would try to convince him is to help out with things. Go above and beyond with chores. Ask if there is anything you can help him with. Always be willing to help him with things around the house or outside. Let it be known that you are trying to work toward a new computer. I’m sure your father would appreciate the work you’re putting in toward a goal that matters a lot to you. It shows agood work ethic.Now if you are old enough to work and he won’t let you buy one, then I don’t think there is much you can do to convince him. The best thing I could offer is to maybe tell him that you want to do some graphic design things and that you need a powerful PC to do that. Though this is lying and that’s not good (but it’s the only option I can really see to convince him of something he already seems so sure of).If you’re old enough to work and he wouldn’t mind you spending your own money on it, then get a job. Get a small job and save every bit of money you can and buy the computer yourself. You’d feel the best doing this. It feels very rewarding to see the fruits of your effort. Though I must admit, there are probably way more important things to save your money for, such as a car or education. It’s not my place to rank your priorities though.Hope these options help! Good luck with getting a new PCah! before I finish my talk I want just to tell you that if your dad says thatthe price is expensive you should tell him that nothing is more expensive than you and your happiness and remember always that when you smile your parents smile from the heart so use this strategy for your benefits
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